Services at a Glance

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Services At a Glance

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.The firm is engaged in the activities in the line of Internal Audit, Statutory Audit, Tax Audit, Tax planning, System implementation, Costing, accountancy and Bookkeeping covering a wide range of sub activities related to the profession. The major and significant activities and services taken care by the firm are as follows:


 Statutory audit

 Internal audit

 Management audit

 Propriety audit

 Inventory audit

 Tax audit

 Revenue Audit

 Bank Audit

 Accountancy and Bookkeeping

 System Implementation Audit

This may not be the exclusive list of the audit assignments conducted by the firm.

With Us


Conducting Monthly, Quarterly Internal Audit to stream line the System process and strengthen the control to provide eye sights to the management for decision making.

With Us


Direct Taxes - Income tax: Prepare Income Tax for Individual and Business, TDS return, Tax Matters, Effective Tax Planning.

Indirect Taxes – Goods and Services Tax (GST)- India and Singapore / VAT – UAE / Sales and Use Tax - USA:

Registration, Filing of returns of Goods and Services Tax/VAT/Sales and Use Tax, Audit and Consultancy in related matters

With Us


 Legal Opinion

 Project/Investment Consultancy


 Management accounting system development

 Budgeting

 Stores Accounting

 Accounting of receivables/Payables

 Book keeping & general accounting

With Us


 SAP version Hanna with practical experience of more than 3years

 Tally ERP 9 – with practical experience of more than 10 years

 ST-ERP - with practical experience of more than 8 years

 MS Navision - with practical experience of more than 2 years

 Quick Books - with practical experience of more than 8 years


CA Milin Parekh Proprietor